Village West POA Contact Email:

Village West Property Owners Association ©                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Village West Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 11 @ 7PM 

​At the Clubhouse and on ZOOM






The goal of this page is to provide answers to questions the board is frequently asked.  If you have a question you don't see, please ask us via and we will update the FAQ!


Can I park an RV on my property?

This topic has been researched by the POA's legal counsel.  The current answer is that (due to deed restrictions), you may park an RV on your lot, but it may not be lived in as a residence at any time.  Section 2 of deed restrictions refers to no house trailers (including RVs) during construction (they are not allowed during construction).  (from counsel at RMWBH, 5/9/2022)

What fees does the POA have?

The only required fee is a $24/year (or $2/month) maintenance fee.  This fee is per owner (so if you own two houses, you would pay a single fee).  However, if you own one house and an entity (such as LLC) owns the other, this would result in two $24 fees.  There is also an optional amenity fee for access to the pool, lake, tennis + basketball courts.


​All fees (other than the $24/year maintenance fee) are voted on by owners at our annual meeting in December.


Can I have chickens on my property?

There are no deed restrictions concerning chickens on your property.  There may be local and state laws, but from a POA perspective this is ok! (from architecture committee, 5/16 over email)


Are Short Term Rentals (STRs) allowed?
The Board's current position is that there are no restrictions on short term renting a property.


​Will the POA come on my property to monitor that rules are being followed?
The POA does not - and will not - enter a resident's property without scheduling time in advance.  The vast majority of the time we need to work with you is during construction.  See the architectural section of this website for more info there.  After you've submitted the appropriate docs, there may be the need for the ACC to meet you onsite.  But this will be scheduled with you for a mutually agreeable time.  If the POA - or a fellow resident - notices something about your property that is potentially in violation of one of our rules, we will reach out to discuss over email or letter. (July 2022 Board meeting)


The lake seems more busy.  What do we do?
The lake is getting busier as more and more residents from the neighboring areas use it.  Because it's publicly accessible, there is little we can do as a POA.  We recently had our county commissioner join a board meeting for a FAQ.  (July 2022 Board meeting).  If you believe someone is trespassing on your property - including parking there - please call the local sheriff.


Who is the POA's law firm?

The Village West POA is primarily represented by RMWBH.  They specialize in POA/HOA matters and represent many other POA/HOAs around Texas.


Does the POA provide enforcement of state and local laws?
The Village West POA does not have an enforcement arm.  If you believe something illegal is occurring, the POA's recommendation is to reach out to the
Comal County Sheriff.


How do I get the newsletter?

​Just email us at and let us know your name, property address in Village West, and your email and we'll take it from there!


How do I get reimbursed for expenses?

​The POA will only reimburse expenses that were preapproved by the Board of Directors.  Any expenses that were not preapproved will not be reimbursed.  Reach out to the board via email for instructions on reimbursement.