Village West POA Contact Email:

Village West Property Owners Association ©                   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Village West Board Meeting
Tuesday, March 11 @ 7PM 

​At the Clubhouse and on ZOOM






             ***Remodeling rooms within your existing structure that do not change the footprint of your structure, DO NOT require                      approval from the Architectural Control Committee (ACC)***

Your property may contain easements or other entitlements that the ACC is not aware of. It is your responsibility to ensure any improvements are not encroaching into any existing easements or restrictions that may be enforced by local municipalities and/or local utility companies. The ACC only reviews plan for any potential violations of the deed restrictions of the Village West Subdivision.

If you are adding any new structure to your property, adding a room to a structure, building a deck, or changing the footprint of an existing structure to your property you will need to submit to the ACC.  If you are unsure, please contact us for clarification.

If you need ACC approval, you will need to submit the following:

1.  A
Village West Approved Building Agreement(2 copies)
2. A Site Plan showing existing structures and proposed structures (2 copies). This site plan should include property line dimensions,             dimensions of proposed structures, dimensions of structures to property lines, building setbacks, Lot # and Unit #, name, address, and phone number.
3. Building plans by an architect (if applicable).   These plans will need to show the house footprint (to match the site plan) and elevations of rooflines from grade.
4. Conceptual sketches of building if a carport, garden shed, or other simple structure. You can use images printed from the internet from the supplier or prepare hand sketches. This information should include building dimensions, height, and general material types (wood, metal, masonry, etc.)

5.  Approved permits from other agencies as required. 

The ACC will review your plans and approve if they are in conformance with applicable restrictions. Please note, the Board meets once a month and building approvals require two Board Member signatures. This review can take up to 30 days, please plan accordingly.  One set of plans will be returned to the member upon completion.

New construction submissions require a $100 Architecture Permit Fee.  

  1. Via check.  Please make check payable to Canyon Lake Village West POA.  Please put the Unit # and Lot # in the memo line.

We require paper copies of site plans and requests for approval.

Enclose a check for $100 to CLVWPOA along with site plan and application in USPS mail to PO Box 1616, Canyon Lake, TX 78133.  Large bulkly multiple page architectural plans can be emailed if necessary.
If you need to discuss construction or building restriction issues, please contact the POA at